Schneider Go Green to ogólnoświatowy konkurs studencki, skierowany do studentów, którzy chcą przetestować swoje umiejętności i pomysły. Organizatorem jest firma Schneider Electric, światowy lider w dziedzinie zarządzania energią i automatyzacji.
Schneider Go Green, in collaboration with AVEVA, is currently looking for game changers around the world. If you are a university student with an innovative idea in the digitization of energy management and automation, we are waiting for you to join us now! Take part in one of the below categories:
- Access to Energy
- Homes of the Future
- Supply Chain of the Future
- Grids of the Future
- De[coding] the Future
Receive mentorship from Schneider Electric’s best experts, win the regional finals & pitch to Schneider Electric's top management at the Virtual Global Finale, win a €10,000 Prize as the grand winner, win free e-learning resources, and interview with Schneider Electric’s HR team for amazing job opportunities!
Visit our platform now at, join your regional challenge based on your university's location and submit a 10-slide presentation along with your CV to our platform !

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