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The mission of the Faculty of Engineering Management is to educate students on all study levels and conduct scientific and development research in the scope of management engineering and engineering venture management in a broad sense, in an agreement with society needs in the developing knowledge-based economy.

The vision of the Faculty of Engineering Management: coherent and balanced development of the faculty ensuring unity of scientific research, education, staff development and cooperation with its environment in the scope of management engineering and engineering management positioning us among top 5 technical universities in Poland.

The scope of our activities and scientific and educational offer is the conjunction of the discipline “Management” and engineering science in a broad scope. The results of this conjunction are: management engineering and engineering venture management in the scale of enterprises and macro engineering.

Management engineering: engineering approach to management. It requires knowledge and development of management theory; however, it concentrates on tools for applying theory to transformation of organization reality in management practice. In the area of education it means competences for running a universal study course: “Management” with engineering added value in the form of exercises, laboratories and projects, which develop practical abilities of students, and the educational offer of specialization courses connected with technique and industrial enterprise. In the field of research and implementations it means that we have competences in creation and implementation of new universal organization and management methods which have a practical value for enterprises and institution what will evoke their interest in the implementation. The preferred research topics are: methods and techniques of contemporary concepts of management, methods of analysis and design of management systems, methods and techniques of strategic management and economic engineering, methods and techniques of industrial marketing, methods and techniques of knowledge management and human resources management, methods and techniques of quality management, methods and techniques of project management.

Engineering venture management in a scale of enterprise: management of product and technology development, production management, management of support processes and servicing, logistics of production and supply chain, quality management, enterprise ergonomics, safety and environmental management. These are our specialization courses and our origins derive from them what helped us to create our competitive advantage. They are also preferred research topics. In the scope of education we develop them in the courses: Safety Management and Logistics.

Macro engineering management: management of broadly defined technical-social ventures which go beyond the scale of a traditional enterprise. Macro ergonomics, management systems of international and global ventures, safety management on region and state scale, region and global logistics, are the examples of modern specialization courses which are already partly within our competences and in the educational offer of the faculty. A new challenge for management is large urban and industrial investments which require a complex approach and an interdisciplinary team. Management of such engineering structures will require new methods and staff qualifications both in the phase of their creation and exploitation. We can and we should take an attempt to create a new specialization or macro course: Macro engineering management in advance in comparison to other universities.



The fulfilment of such defined mission and vision will be obtained by the introduction of management by objectives and tapping synergy effects on the level of chairs and all the faculty.

The Vision of Chair synergic activities:

  • a leader (Professor) defines one attainable research aim (alternatively a bond of aims) for a few years, formulates research programme (a few leaders or programmes can be appointed in a chair)
  • a leader chooses staff and shapes research team
  • individual promotion aims, which are attainable during research programme, are formulated jointly for team members
  • didactic activities, which are coherent with research interests, are formulated for particular team members
  • a team applies for funds for research (national, EU and other grants)
  • a team establishes relations with surrounding (business, public and state administration and social) for programme realization
  • a team creates a detailed plan which includes: tasks, research effects (publications, conferences and scientific promotions), financial and permanent means
  • a needed support at the level of the faculty and university,
  • planned control points of programme realization,
  • a team carries out a periodical monitoring of programme realization
  • a team has a common policy of publication of results and a mutual support in an individual development

The Vision of Chair synergic activities:

The Faculty Authorities lead policy of integrity of research and didactic aims, development of all faculty staff. They make allocation of resources and organizational and technical support, supervise programmes and an achieved level of synergy, are responsible for effort and effects of gratification of teams and particular employees. They formulate strategic aims for the whole faculty and a level of expected results for the next period.




  • monitoring of faculty educational attractiveness  and learning outcomes in the labour market
  • continuous quality improvement of education in the faculty
  • effective connection research and development results with educational process
  • development and improvement of education methods and tools, including distance learning
  • leading level of internationalization in the faculty



  • the research programme concerns aims of promotion and granting of promotion to team members
  • the research programme is coherent with research project works for enterprises and institutions
  • research specialization is a vital criterion in the choice of conducted didactive classes
  • students, particularly M.Sc./Eng. candidates can and should be taken into account in the programme of scientific research and implementation



  • concentration on one longstanding research aim (or a narrow bond of aims)
  • focusing on aims and programmes for world rank which give a chance for external support (financial support, participation in consortium) and publication of results in renowned publishing houses
  • concentration on attainable goals
  • focusing on measurement aims enabling their monitoring



  • we work in a few people who have a common aim, one research study is worth more than four single, fragmentary scientific contributions
  • we include to our teams closer (students, other faculties) and further surroundings (other Polish and foreign universities, enterprises and institutions)
  • team work invokes facilitation effects, effects of team heuristic techniques
  • teamwork as a motivation fact