Graduate civil engineer with the best diploma thesis in Poland

Tomasz Tyszkiewicz won the competition organized by the Board of the Association of Fire Engineers and Technicians. Due to the pandemic, the competition that took place in 2021 concerned the academic years 2017/18 and 2018/19.

A graduate of Civil Engineering, Tomasz Tyszkiewicz, MSc., presented and compared the design methods contained in the current European Standards, with the method of considering membrane interactions in the design of composite steel and concrete ceilings.

The author pointed to significant reserves of fire load capacity in the composite ceilings.

The Aero Design Section of the Academic Aviation Club, third at the competition in Turkey

58 student groups from all over the world were classified in the Teknofest competition in the Free Mission UAV category. The system created by students of the Poznan University of Technology, consisting of two autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles detected waste in the indicated area.

Over the past two years, Aero Design AKL has developed an airframe structure and an object location algorithm. During the Droniada competition, the HolyBro quadrocopter platform was purchased and mastered.

The prize for an innovative design of a bioresorbable bone implant

The cooperation of research group from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Syntplant company resulted in Innowatory Wprost 2021 award in the SCIENCE category

The prize was awarded for an innovative design of a bioresorbable bone implant. Implants are tailor-made and their sizes and shapes are consulted with doctors before the surgery so that they are best suited to the patient's needs.

The Inauguration of the Academic Year 2021/2022

This year, the inauguration will take place on October 6, 2021, in a hybrid form. The beginning of the event is schedule at 11.00 in the Magna Hall, Lecture Center at 3 Piotrowo St. The programme includes the national anthem, the Rector's speech and the inaugural lecture presented by prof. Ryszard Koziołek, Rector of the University of Silesia in Katowice, “Fiction in the service of democracy ”.

Due to the hybrid nature of the ceremony, it will be fully broadcast on our website: