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The FEM PUT input to the LLEAHMM International Conference

The 1st edition of the LLEAHMM International Conference was held in Naples (Italy) from 10th to 12th October.

The scientific papers presented and discussed at the conference dealt with Advanced Modelling and Methodologies in Logistics and Lean Service with special attention to healthcare issues. Thanks to the attractiveness of the topics, the conference attracted considerable international interest, as demonstrated by the presence of researchers and professors from research institutions in more than ten countries and four continents.

The conference benefited from the work of three committees, which operated according to the scientific guidelines given by the two general chairmen: Professor Gerhard Weber (Poznań University of Technology) and Professor Maria Triassi (University of Napoli Federico II).

It is worth mentioning that the Committee decided to award Dr Selma Gütmen, recognising the relevance of her research for the main keynote lecture entitled "New results on the relations between modern economies and their human factors, with particular emphasis on healthcare".

The whole FEM PUT community would like to congratulate our young researcher!

